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    Incredible feeling when a new design proves productive!

    Another amazing day though not numberwise. The wind as usual was a pain and my anchor was too light. But events made it worth killing my digital camera and nearly breaking the gas on/off switch on the 2.5hp. I cast a light lure near a weed edge in shallow water and it was like the fish had a...

    Incredible feeling when a new design proves productive!

    Another phenomenal day considering the lake level keeps dropping. The tailless body did great catching 5 species! Mixed schools in shallow water kept me busy even with the constant 15 mph wind. It started out as a chartreuse with flakes, store-bought minnow with rear tail. I cut off the tail...

    Photobucket Tutorial

    Photobucket no longer supports free accounts is free as are other. has the easiest photo posting method of any forum. Press the 'insert image' icon and drag photo from desktop into the box. It is posted immediately in the post where you want it. The photo can then be...

    Grub Grip wire - method


    Lure made using a serving spoon no less!

    What's needed: 1. Metal serving spoon 2. hot plastic 275 degrees (microwave/ Pyrex cup) 3. razor blade 4. glassy surface like a floor tile or mirror* Heat the plastic Dip the spoon into it leaving a thin sheet of plastic Let it cool Lay the sheet on a glassy surface Using the blade, press down...

    Panfish bait’s

    The first thing I'd do is cut off the front legs. I can't see them having much action that would support a strike. Plus, I would cast them with a tail and without. Recently I found that bodies minus tails get incredible strikes when twitching the lures in shallow water. Light jighead a must!

    Thought I was Getting Biguns

    Dang! Moby Dick on a surface lure. Amazing!!! Near the bank no less!

    Microfiber Lines

    Never has KK snapped which is why I haven't had to order more in quite some time. The 7lb and 2lb were caught on 8# test KK and light action rod. 3 3/4 lb bass on same Cast these small lures rigged on 1/32 oz jigs very well. All the fish shown in my posts were caught on it.

    Small Fish from Shore at Night on Jigs

    Nice catch especially way after my bedtime! I've been casting more swimbait tail lures and doing well. I'll bet the Zman has a great action. (Of course you could have made a wire grip using the method I posted not long ago to keep that or any lure from sliding down.)

    Microfiber Lines

    Kastking has impressed me since I first cast it a few years ago. Great light strike detection, no twist casting no-twist lures, good hook sets on small and large fish using med. and light action rods never breaks regardless of fish size as long as drag is set properly.

    Incredible feeling when a new design proves productive!

    I've been considering the possibility that live prey actions are familiar to the senses of fish, not that they know what a lure represents such as a species of animal. The pill action is not comparable to that of any animal that ever lived, same for the Beetle Spin or curl tail. The Shadow most...

    Incredible feeling when a new design proves productive!

    Of first importance is action which is dependent on shape closely followed by how the lure is presented/ worked. Color can emphasize a lure's appearance and action making it stand out. Fish senses via the swim bladder, lateral line and ear, notify of the lure's presence; those senses and the...

    Incredible feeling when a new design proves productive!

    Today was amazing just like yesterday. 144 fish in 2 days caught on lures tested and retested - many that anyone can make. The beauty of the ball head jig is the number of soft plastics that can be rigged and the overall versatility whether in heavy cover, shallow or deep water. One design blew...

    Site down?

    Glad to see it's up again. Nice guys and great site design.

    Site down?

    Was this site down for a while?

    Not often do I get blown away by where fish are caught but....

    I draw the line when it comes to what fish supposedly know about lures. The real thing gives off whatever it takes for fish to sense it's an animal. Lures give off nothing close to what the real thing exudes regardless of the imitation. Coincidentally a few lures had movements similar to...

    Battle of the Lures: Share Your Stories of Homemade Lures Outshining Store-Bought Ones!

    One last thing about why good lures do well vs many that don't. My theory: I fish's brain is like a combination lock when it comes to the strike. There are many combinations that unlock it. Those combinations include lure shape, size and action. This is applicable to ALL fish species and a good...

    Battle of the Lures: Share Your Stories of Homemade Lures Outshining Store-Bought Ones!

    Excellent info about color underwater: What we see is not what fish see unless in gin clear water.

    Battle of the Lures: Share Your Stories of Homemade Lures Outshining Store-Bought Ones!

    YOU ASKED FOR IT lol! Read my opinionated reply above if you dare! In any case: 1. Lure designs/ types that catch fish are UNLIMITED! (though some far better and more versatile). 2. Small lures worked the right way catch everything - especially on a slow retrieve with pauses depending on lure...

    Battle of the Lures: Share Your Stories of Homemade Lures Outshining Store-Bought Ones!

    Dang, my age and its effect on memory is telling - I too am 74. What a coinc.! Talked to a gent today as I was getting ready to leave that was 75. During the conversation, I gave him my views on why and how I caught 34 fish in 2 hours using the lures I showed him. He has vast experience, having...