Search results

  1. HairyMooseKnuckles

    June Fly Swap-----completed----

    This will be a Tyer's choice. Any fly, any color, any size. I think we have about 4 people interested and I will set a limit of 8 people. If just the four of us join, let's do 2 each. If more than 4, we will just Ty 1 each. Deadline for signup will be 6/12/15. I know a lot of us work, so lets...
  2. HairyMooseKnuckles

    Fly Swap Interest

    Hey, I noticed there hasn't been a fly swap in a long time. Is there any interest? I don't know much about hosting one, but would be willing to try if anyone is interested. We could discuss it here in this thread and decided what type of fly we'd want to do. I'd vote for Clouser or Crappie...
  3. HairyMooseKnuckles

    poor little fellow

    This guy landed on our driveway while we were unloading groceries. It was coming a pretty good rain too. Me and wife found him a dry spot under the wave of our house, so maybe he can dry out and then be on his way to wherever
  4. HairyMooseKnuckles

    stained my drawers!

    Ha ha, Gotcha! I've been working on my fly tying desk. I was given an old desk about a month ago and I've been working on it a little at a time. I spent all day today repairing the drawers, staining, and painting hardware. I've even changed my mind a couple of times over the past month. Here is...
  5. HairyMooseKnuckles

    old skillet

    Back in about 1986, My aunt and I were at The Old Corner Drug Store in West, Texas. She spotted a clock made from a skillet. She really liked it, but I told her I could make for half of the price. I went to Waco later that week and bought the necessary materials and made it for her. It hung in...
  6. HairyMooseKnuckles

    I'm here

    Hey guys, just wanted to give everyone a shout and let them know I'm still around. I've had quite a few things taking my time this week, so I haven't tyer anything or went fishing. Lots of woodworking projects though. I'll post some pictures once everything is complete. Hint Hint, it's a desk...
  7. HairyMooseKnuckles

    having fun

    started this morning off over at Benbrook, but it was slow, so we came back to Granbury. Having a nice day. Weather is perfect! I caught some on a plastic red worm. I caught a few on the jig I made that was Chartruse/Pink/Chartreuse silli legs. Wife used a blue/green plastic minnow.
  8. HairyMooseKnuckles

    GFA Hopper

    Thanks to AllenOK for suggesting this fly. This was my first try, so don't beat me up to bad. I need a tad longer hook. This is a 1x size 10 dry fly hook. Really enjoyed doing something different.
  9. HairyMooseKnuckles

    tying a few tonight

    Haven't tied ant this week, so thought I'd get busy.
  10. HairyMooseKnuckles

    Well this ain't pretty

    To quote one of my favorite movies, This looks like a mixture of wizz yeller and puke green. This stuff is real pretty in the bottle, not so pretty on lead. I'm going to put down a white base coat on the next one to see if it helps. Oh yeah, I should mention it looks better in the picture than...
  11. HairyMooseKnuckles

    vice research

    Been looking for a better vice than my terra kit. I know exactly what I want. It's the Regal Revolution, but I can't afford it yet. Don't know whether I should keep saving or spring for something less pricy in the meantime. Mine is ok, it does require fidgeting with when I change hook sizes...
  12. HairyMooseKnuckles

    what did you ty today

    Some of the other forums have a thread about fly of the week, so I thought why not a fly of the day. This is the only one I tyed tonight. I was at the bench quite awhile cutting foam disks and gluing up a popper. I always try to end work with a fly when possible, makes me feel good to finish...
  13. HairyMooseKnuckles

    Thread Holder

    Please don't pay attention to my messy desk. It also serves as a work bench and I had just built a beading loom for the wife. I had some left over scrap wood and a 29 cent dowel. Cheap but works good. I need to build a second row, I still more thread!
  14. HairyMooseKnuckles

    Sally Hansen Trick

    I use Sally Hansen for head cement. I never liked using the brush even after I trimmed it down considerably. I got to where I would take the cap off and stick my bodkin in the bottle and that allowed me to place just a tiny amount where I needed it. I'm sure I'm not the first one to come up with...
  15. HairyMooseKnuckles

    Polish Paint

    I painted a few with fingernail polish. I will do the third coat in epoxy. I hope it works and is durable. I don't have a powder paint setup yet, so plugging along the best I can. The jigs came from Wally World. They had collers, but I removed them.
  16. HairyMooseKnuckles

    Sneaky Duckling

    Sneaky Duckling Fly This has been on my list to ty since I watched the you tube video last week. A couple of things I see could be a lot better, but this is one I want to play with.
  17. HairyMooseKnuckles

    Digging the satin

    I've been reading the thread about Red and his wool and satin jigs. I've paid it to read to page 23 so far and I decided I gotta try this. I went to Joann's and found the satin, but couldn't find the wool. I decided, I wanted to see how the satin would look and I gotta say, I really like it...
  18. HairyMooseKnuckles

    Dubbing Teaser Plus Nice Surprize

    Sometimes, things come to you by accident. I saw a homemade Dubbing Teaser on Warm Water Fly Tyer. I had some Velcro and a dowel so I decided to give it a try. I had wanted to purty the handle up, so I bought different colors of embroidery thread. I was having a hard time getting the thread to...
  19. HairyMooseKnuckles

    Fly fishing trip

    I was invited to go fly fishing tomorrow. It will be my first time with a fly rod. I made these 2 tonight. I was so excited I forgot to put a little flash in there.
  20. HairyMooseKnuckles

    Kandy Kane and Hair Extensions

    Last year, they had a clearance of clip on hair extensions at Michael's. I wasn't sure if they would work like I wanted, but we're awful pretty in the package. I sure wish I would have bought all they had as I only bought 1 silver and one red. I've been able to make obout 3 dozen jigs out of...