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  1. HairyMooseKnuckles


    Crawfish Jig I start with a 1/8 oz pill head jig and I paint it with Cover Girl Rogue Red nail polish. I put a total of 2 coats followed by a coat of clear. I let each coat dry completely before coating again. In my case, I do several at a time and let dry overnight between each coat...
  2. HairyMooseKnuckles

    Something Buggy

    Mixed up some dubbing with bits and pieces of flash. A little something for our gillfriends.
  3. HairyMooseKnuckles

    old lures

    The wife and I went out to eat last night as I was walking in, I saw this hanging on the wall. I had to snap a quick picture. Hope you enjoy.
  4. HairyMooseKnuckles

    Satin on Sale at Walmart

    Satin was on sale at Walmart in all kinds of colors. I only bought 3 different colors because I wanted to make sure it had that iridescence to it. It does!!! I'm going back and get every color!!! For 2 bucks I'll have enough to last awhile. These pieces were .17 each. They are around 3 1/2...
  5. HairyMooseKnuckles

    Home Made Dubbing

    First and foremost, I want to clarify I didn't come up with this idea, it's something I found on you tube. However, In the interest of sharing, if thought I'd show what could be done with yarn and a spice grinder. I can think of several ideas to put this to use. I am using Wool Yarn.
  6. HairyMooseKnuckles

    How did you get interested in Tying?

    What started your love affair with tying? For me it was this lure. About this time last year, I was outside piddling around and picked up a small pecan branch. I pulled out my pocket knife and started whittling and I was hooked!
  7. HairyMooseKnuckles

    playing with Gurglers

    Lazy Sunday. Sitting at the vice.
  8. HairyMooseKnuckles

    popper in progress

    Been playing with Balsa wood. Those eyes gave me fits! I messed up several before I was happy. They are made from aluminum foil and electrical tape. I need to open wallet and order some 3d eyes I guess. I'm always trying to do things the hard way. I'm not sure what direction to go in now, but I...
  9. HairyMooseKnuckles

    Boxing Jig

    C'mon Put em' up, put em' up. Laughing!!!! No, I'm not trying to make a boxing jig. I'm trying to replicate a craw dad and I'm failing miserably. Back to the drawing board. Just wanted to give you a laugh!
  10. HairyMooseKnuckles

    Wild Child

    I'm like a mad scientist today
  11. HairyMooseKnuckles

    Kip Tail Gurgler

    Easy/Fun fly to Ty
  12. HairyMooseKnuckles

    left over material

    just a little something to use bits and pieces to keep them out of the trash
  13. HairyMooseKnuckles

    Crappie Candy

    Tied some Crappie Candy from the FAOL website. The last time I tried tying the fly, I put on too much flash. This time I was more careful. I hope I did it justice.
  14. HairyMooseKnuckles

    This idea didn't work

    My idea was to cost jig with liquid fusion, dip in glitter and then once dry, paint it with liquid fusion. It never seemed to fully cure and dry. maybe I didn't give it enough time. I'm going to try it again, maybe I just got in to big of a hurry. Maybe I'll try something besides liquid fusion.
  15. HairyMooseKnuckles


    Here's one more from tonight.
  16. HairyMooseKnuckles

    Buck Tail Jig

    AtticaFish's post today inspired me to do a Bucktail Jig Painted a few jig heads tonight and managed to Ty one jig. So far that is.
  17. HairyMooseKnuckles

    hair brain idea?

    I've been reading as much as I can on powder paint. from what I read, when you mix colors they may not fully incorporated. Would adding colors to a coffee grinder and whirling incorporate the colors better?
  18. HairyMooseKnuckles

    Paint Questions

    Went to Harbor Freight last night. I picked up Red and White. 1. Where would be a good place to find some clear powder locally? I'm close to DFW. 2. Once opened, can you store it in the original container or do I need to come up with something better? we keep the house pretty cool. 3. I've...
  19. HairyMooseKnuckles

    look at this color

    Stole my wife's polish. This color is awesome. Picture does not do it justice. When I got home from work, I noticed my wife nails had just been done and I complimented her on the color. She told me it was a color that I picked out for her a few months ago and she was just now getting around to...
  20. HairyMooseKnuckles


    Thinking about getting some powder paint. Do you guys still mix your own custom colors? I've read through the recipe book, but was just wondering. Are some colors harder to use and get right? Are there other options for curing besides baking?