Search results

  1. oldfox

    A double bunny

    After looking at some of the double bunnys that AF has made I gave this a try... 1/16 Rootbeer and chartreuse chub head/Gold tinsel chenille underbody/Crayfish and chartreuse bunny body. The bunny strips are superglued together at the tips. It really slims down when wet...I think it might...
  2. oldfox

    Pesky Squirrels

    I had a couple of pesky squirrels destroying my bird feeders this winter...they did not go to waste, and are now part of my tying materials! ;)
  3. oldfox

    A Rootbeer Combo

    Tied these with a rootbeer powder paint head/rootbeer cactus chenille/some flashabou accent on a yellow and orange marabou tail..
  4. oldfox

    Red bugs

    Red bug powder paint/cherry chocolate chenille/chartreuse tail..
  5. oldfox

    Another spinner

    Tried another spinner jig. Ice is out and will try a few of these next week..
  6. oldfox

    Search for tube heads ?

    Would anyone know where I could find this style of a tube head? I had a few and tried this tie...I like the looks. The lead extends almost to the hook point, giving it a long slender minnow style body. The only ones I can seem to find are the short body tube heads. These are 3/16 oz with a...
  7. oldfox

    A little fishy..

    Tied this on one of RonDon's 1/12 oz. minnow heads. Using black mylar... First try at one of these, and room for improvement...
  8. oldfox

    A bit of flash

    1/32 nickel plated jig head chart & red Krystal Flash for tail Kansas Slabs for body
  9. oldfox

    Grey combo..

    Tried these today using Shad grey kip tail....Grampa Bob's Shad grey chenille...purple Flashabou...1/16 oz black minnow head, with silver 3d eyes..
  10. oldfox

    Small spinner blades ?

    Does anyone know where you can purchase extral small spinner blades, smaller than #00, like the ones on this size 10 ice jig?
  11. oldfox

    Spinner jigs

    First try at some spinner jigs. Used some of RonDon's 1/8 socket head jigs with a #2 sickle. Very nice quality heads! Thanks Ronny...
  12. oldfox

    A few more

    Tied a few in shades of red and pink...and a few of these "little fishies"..
  13. oldfox

    Easy jig eyes

    Toadfrog had mentioned that ball jigheads could be flattened on the sides to accept stick on eyes, buy squeezing them in a vise. I got thinking about accomplishing the same with a pair of parallel jaw pliers. I ended up finding a cheap pair of 4" vise grips. I ground the jaws flat to take out...
  14. oldfox

    A new one (updated)

    Tied up a few of these today. Head is a Holo Yellow nail polish, white maribou tail with chart Krystal Flash and Cabela's Speckled Tinsel Chenille, color is lt. olive pearl. I like the color about you guys?
  15. oldfox

    Cabela's sale

    Just checking Cabela' appears they are having a sale on their fly tying materials. Looks like a few good buys, especially the 1 oz. maribou...
  16. oldfox

    A couple of my first

    Started to tie a few. These two looked the best to me...
  17. oldfox

    New member

    Hello from Maine... Reccomended by LedHed...Great looking site guys... I'm just getting back into tying after a 40 year absence. Time to get these old fingers working again! Looking forward to browsing through the pages and picking up some ideas... :)