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  1. H

    Painting heads

    That is a chunk white bass fer shur - caught recently? Are those hair jigs for walleye? Resurgence going on.
  2. H

    Z-man Elaztech

    Got tired of fumbling with someone else's method so hit another spot I know well with my current small wally fave 3" Elaztech opening night Slim SwimZ. 2 days total 6 wallys including 4 nice ones around 20" which is exceptional for this continually meathead hammered EZ access spot. Trick was...
  3. H

    Painting heads

    Purty, but does them ketch fish ?
  4. H

    Knocked the dust off the Peak

    Do the hatchet heads perform differently from other styles?
  5. H


    What #test line you using & what weight jigs? Got any pics of your shad dart ties ?
  6. H

    Wire Grub Grip

    Like the preformed coil keepers that attach to hook eyes, I'd bet a similar design with a wire spike bait holder at the end instead of a coil could be worthy of mass distribution.
  7. H

    Wire Grub Grip

    The wire keeper is a very functional idea but out here in the midwest the attitude would be if it ain't broke don't fix it, meaning generations of anglers have been using barb collar heads to catch fish successfully so why change? Altho I no longer use barb collar heads observing those that do...
  8. H

    Wire Grub Grip

    Hmm, might have to try this. What kind of wire? Does the weight of the wire cause the jig to lean to a side? Most of my heavy wire hook heads have the hook eye flush on the head with no post protruding to wrap the wire.
  9. H

    Z-man Elaztech

    Pearlish opaque white + clear fleck lam colors are popular here, but hardly anyone uses twisters here favoring Keitech 3" Easy Shiner paddle tails. Prior to fishing the 2 reservoir inlet canals this year for cold season wallys I thought they would bite most anything, not anymore., they are very...
  10. H

    Z-man Elaztech

    Nearby spots lack sufficient catch & keep size & quantities of perch so I've never eaten one. Everyone here shoots for the 4 walleye between 15 & 21" limit, some every day. Can only keep one 22" & over within the 4. The Elaztech bait wasn't an everyday magic bullet, 2 days ago everyone was...
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    Z-man Elaztech

  12. H

    Z-man Elaztech

    Getting spanked by the local regulars at the Sutherland Inlet targeting smaller wallys ended yesterday. It appears the Z-man opening night color Slim SwimZ caught more wallys than anyone throwing the preferred Keitech boot tails except for the reigning champ Jason & his unsurpassed presentation...
  13. H

    Trout jigs

    Browns or bows? How big do they run out your way? Favorite rivers?
  14. H

    lighter jigs/smaller lures can make a difference in cold water

    That is a huge sucker, occasional bycatch here but not that big. Pretty good fight ? Is that John's hidden in the woods pond near Lake Arthur ?
  15. H

    lighter jigs/smaller lures can make a difference in cold water

    Nice pics SM, your pond looks like reasonably clean fertile water creating a thriving ecosystem. Speaking of bread & cookies, our trout river here has a carp aggregation area, so we've been thinking of chumming and latching a few. Bread might work or Gale suggests canned corn which was a fave...
  16. H

    lighter jigs/smaller lures can make a difference in cold water

    Can't speak for other species & situations but both my new trout bud & I have learned from experience that the bigger ones will not strike the same lure again after a missed hit contact. Gale actually has WAY more experience trouting than I will ever have. He used to sales rep for St. Croix...
  17. H

    lighter jigs/smaller lures can make a difference in cold water

    Duffy, how big were the pond crappie? Were they big enuf to eat the 2-3/4" Rap ?
  18. H

    lighter jigs/smaller lures can make a difference in cold water

    For cold season river trout my jig preference has evolved to simple dark & light mink fur jigs. Observing the action in the water the preferred full ties impede twitch darting action somewhat but maybe the constant pulsation of the fine fibered fur has a bite attractive quality? Decided to...
  19. H


    Hahaha, nope not targeting poachers, just trout. Very few fish present, but lately the long treks have given up 3 - 4 trout per session with an unusual 6 yesterday on a 6 mile RT.. One fish an hour or less ain't great #s, but they do run large. Didn't realize chicken feet had any meat or fat...
  20. H

    lighter jigs/smaller lures can make a difference in cold water

    Hard to say which works better, ties or plastics? Yesterday I got 3 trout going down river 3 miles on a 1/16 #6 1" black head black mink tie jig then on the return trek back up river got 3 on a 1/14 #4 white head 2" Bobby Garland white pearl Baby Shad. As you mention maybe a 1/24 or 1/32 jig...