Thanks again gents. GrampsJigs, a very big THANK YOU for providing the history of the fly. I didn't know any of that. Heck, I have yet to actually fish one of these! It's a stillwater pattern, excellent! The ones pictured above actually have marabou for the tail and throat, not saddle hackle. I'm not sure if I have orange saddle hackle or not. I'll have to check.
AF, the red head is a code of sorts among most fly tyers, it means that it's got a heavier weight than the normal tie. Of course, even the "regular" ones I tied up have some lead wire wrapped on the hook, but not much. I'll have to tell my buddy that it's more of a stillwater pattern than for a stream. I'll have to tell him to get his kayak out and go after them with those, if he can ever leave the doves alone......
And for all y'all, just wait. I'm planning on doing these as jigs, too.